katie allaby katie allaby

Fear only means you should try harder - NEVER STOP TRYING :)

For many years…actually almost my entire life up until the past 10 years, I have struggled with so many issues. Never feeling good enough, pretty enough or that I was just ENOUGH. I thought the way to achieve all of these was through killing myself trying to look and act like all these models on TV. I tried ever “diet,” pills, bulimia, obsessively exercising, depriving my body of the fuel it needed to function. I had ZERO support in my life, and always made to feel as though I was an inconvenience to everyone…I have been at the lowest of lows and when I was at that point, I had a choice: I could continue on the path that I was traveling or I could take my life and make it anything I wanted. As corny as this sounds, I had heard “Fight Song” and it gave me some weird sort of motivation and ambition. I had to make a choice. In the beginning, it was HARD, so HARD I just wanted to give up. There were a couple times that I did give up. That would last a couple days and I swear people started to look at me funny because I would just talk to myself, out loud :) Telling myself that I am more that this, I am meant for so much more. So I would fall down, get back up, fall down….get back up, fall down….get back up and this time I am determined to not fall again, but if I do I will get back up again.

Fast forward a decade or so and it brings you to now. I am definitely not finished and no where near perfection, but I never feel like giving up anymore. Making healthy decisions can sometimes be hard and overwhelming, but every small decision adds up to the BIG result and making that first decision is always the hardest. Let me help, support, and listen to you. Let me help you find the inspiration you are looking for inside you. Reach out to me today for a FREE CONSULTATION.

In this crazy world we live in these days, loosing sight of the small accomplishments or progress can be easy. Take a minute, take a few deep breaths, and self reflect. What is it that YOU want YOUR life to be? What is it that makes you feel good? Make sure you pat yourself on the back for reading this post and hopefully it will inspire you to start taking care of yourself. I can’t wait to hear from you to work together on creating the life you’ve always dreamed of. Talk soon

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